Illuminating the futureFlux.Mi - a sculpture of light

6,500 LEDs are enough to communicate through light. That is the real world and not science fiction as Dennis Lyskawka shows with Flux.Mi, a sculpture of light which he designed for his Master thesis in the study programme Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. The 30-year old Master student was supported by his employer, Lichtforum NRW, and his THGA supervisor, Prof. Dr. Markus Gehnen.
Flux.Mi reeflects the human body in light, something which is made possible by camera sensors which record the movements of the person standing in front of the installation. A software uses these camera data to generate the light image and actuates the 6500 LEDs installed in such a way that they produce exactly this image as a three-dimensional dynamic holograrm of light onto Flux.Mi – a mirror image made of light. 2160 PCBs, each populated with 3 LEDs and the controllers needed for controlling the systems make sure that the whole process works. Dennis Lyskawka did not only develop the design and electro-technical construction, but also the software needed for the project.
The graduate studied in part-time and thus was able to utilise not only the know-how of THGA but also the competence of Lichtforum NRW, his employer, during the development of Flux.Mi. Lichtforum provided the impulse for the installation and supported the implementation - for example, by sponsoring the design and the materials of several thousand euros and releasing him from his work duties. The result is a win-win situation for all parties involved: Dennis Lyskawka was able to complete his Master project at THGA while making best use of his potential solving the creative tasks set by his employer.
The installation is now open to the public and you can find it in the students' research lab F.LUX at Lichtforum NRW in Arnsberg-Neheim where it is supposed to fascinate and enthuse children and young people for information and technology and to provide a hands-on experience of how light influences the way we live and work.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus GehnenProfessor for Electrical Systems and HV Technology
- Markus.Gehnen[at]
- Telephone
- +49 234 968-3261
- Office
- G7 R102