A title in Europe: EUR ING

What is the EUR ING?
The European Federation of National Engineering Associations (Engineers Europe) has devised the title European Engineer (abbr. EUR ING) to support the mobility of engineers and engineering technicians in Europe and internationally.
The EUR ING is not an acdemic degree or job title, but evidence that the person holding this title has gained the highest level of professional competencies through training and monitored professional practice. The EUR ING helps to compare different engineering degrees and professions across Europe and is recognised as evidence of qualification in all European countries.
Who can apply for an EUR ING?
The professional title "Ingenieur" is a registered title in Germany, and the same goes for the equivalent title Engineer in many other countries (e.g., a university degree may be required). Therefore, only people who are officially authorised to use the professional title Ingenieur or equivalent can apply for the EUR ING. This professional title is also registered and only awarded to people who successfully completed the approval procedure.
You need to apply for the EUR ING in the country in which you were trained and qualified to become an engineer. In a first step, the national monitoring committee will inspect your documents. Then, if approved, these will be passed on to a European examination committee which makes the final decision on the recognition.
THGA has eentered into a cooperation agreement with the German Association of Technical and Academic Societies (DVT); therefore, graduates of our part-time engineering Master programmes enjoy special conditions when applying for the EUR ING.
You can find more information on the EUR ING on the FEANI website.
How does the registration process work?
You can only apply online. You need to register first, and then you can proceed with the application. Please provide the following documents in an electronic version:
- Certificate of THGA about successful graduation in one of the following part-time engineering degrees: M.Eng. Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, M.Eng. Geo-Engineering and Post-Mining, M.Eng. Mechanical Engineering, M.Sc. Operational Safety Management, M.Sc. Mineral Resource and Process Engineering, M.Sc. Business Engineering
- Report or graduation certificate of the Bachelor degreee programme completed before the Master
- University entrance certificate
- signed CV or resume (table)
- Employer's certificate concerning the part-time studies (stating the job title and the start date of the employment)
- valid evidence of membership in an engineering association such as VDI, VDE or another member of DVT
- optionally: declaration of consent to forawrd a copy of the EUR ING certificate to the examinations office of THGA so that this certificate can be warded together with the graduation certificate.
Master graduates of THGA need to pay a fee of EUR 300 for the EUR ING (plus VAT); this fee is only due if the application is successful.
If you have further questions, please contact your National Monitoring Committee, for Germany: DVT, phone: (0211) 6214 305; email: Mail an nmc[at]dvt-net.de senden. You can find a list of all National Monitoring Committees here.