THGA is happy to announce that it will be taking part in a new project called Building Ecosystem Integration Labs at HEI to foster SmartSpecialization and Innovation on Sustainable Raw Materials. The project was created to strengthen the building of innovation capacity in Europe, striving for long-term sustainable development using the idea of the circular economy in order to modernize the raw materials and extractive sectors. The idea behind the circular economy is that the value of products, materials and resources is kept in the economy for as long as possible and the generation of waste is kept to a minimum. These activities make an important contribution to the EU’s efforts to develop a sustainable, low-carbon, resource-efficient and competitive economy.
Project Partner
The project will receive funding from the EIT HEI Initiative: Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education. This initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) aims to boost the entrepreneurial and innovation capacity of higher education institutions (HEIs) across Europe.
As part of this project, we will be working together with the following partners:
• Universidad de Oviedo – Project lead
• Hellenic International University (Greece)
• Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor (Serbia)
• Universidad de Huelva (Spain)
• Banat's University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine "King Michael Ist of (Romania)
• Pheno Horizon (Poland)
• Geological Survey of Slovenia (Slovenia)
• Lapin Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy (Finland)
Associated partners
• Tallinn University of Technology – TalTech (Estonia)
• Polytechnic University of Timișoara (Romania)
• Centre Européen de Formation en Energie Renouvelable (Senegal)
• KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)
• Tapojärvi Ltd (Finland)
• ekolive Germany GmbH (Germany)
• MONOLITHOS Catalysts & Recycling Ltd. (Greece)
• Cluster Portugal Mineral Resources (Portugal)
• DUE (Romania)
• Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (Serbia)
• Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Štajerska (Slovenia)
• International center for advanced materials and raw materials (Spain)
• Iberian Sustainable Mining Cluster (Spain)
• MetaIndustry4, Advanced Manufacturing Cluster of Metal Industry in Asturias (Spain)
• Cluster TIC de Asturias (Spain)
• Atlantic Copper (Spain)
• Sandfire MATSA (Spain)
Under the EIT HEI Initiative, the project will receive funding of €1,2 mil, and it will run until December 2022, with the possibility of getting extended for 18 more months.

About the EIT HEI Initiative
The EIT HEI Initiative is a key objective for the European Institute of Innovation and Technology as part of its new strategy. The initiative aims to support HEIs with expertise and coaching, access to the EIT innovation ecosystem, the largest in Europe, and funding, enabling them to develop innovation action plans complementing the needs of individual HEIs. This is the EIT HEI Initiative’s second call for proposals, following the success of the 2021 Pilot Call. So far, the initiative has provided funding to nearly 50 projects. The next call for proposals is expected towards the end of 2022.
About the EIT
The EIT strengthens Europe’s ability to innovate by powering solutions to pressing global challenges and by nurturing entrepreneurial talent to create sustainable growth and skilled jobs in Europe. The EIT is an EU body and an integral part of Horizon Europe, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The Institute supports dynamic pan-European partnerships, EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities, among leading companies, research labs and universities.
Courses within the framework of the project
Interested parties can take online courses from the participating partners free of charge. The courses are all certified by the European Institute of Technology (EIT) Higher Education Specialisation and Innovation. You can find the wide range of courses here: Course Selection.
Registration is possible until two days before the course starts.
Diana Elizabeth Lezcano ZapataCoordinator of HEI4S3-RM
- Diana.Lezcano[at]thga.de
- Telephone
- +49 234 968-3224
- Office
- G2 R302