Where to get help in an acute crisisCounselling and crisis helplines

We work together with the university chaplaincy CampusSegen, an initiative offered by the Catholic church in our district. Nevertheless, this service is open to all who need someone to listen disregarding their confession or non-confession. CampusSegen offers talks, support and spiritual advice as well as services and prayers. Stefan Wiesel, the priest, leads a team of social experts and helpers that are also able to counsel you in English.
Contact: Pastor Stefan Wiesel
Phone: (0151) 161 430 91 or (0234) 588 45 11
E-mail: stefan.@campussegen.de
Emergency hotlines
A number of services for mental and medical health can also give advice in English.
- Telephone helpline: Telefonseelsorge Bochum, Phone 0800 - 111 0 111 or 0800 - 111 0 222 (calls are free of charge)
- Medical emergencies: Ärztlicher Notfalldienst, Phone 0234 - 1 92 92
- Mental health support: Psychosoziale Kontakt- und Beratungsstelle Bochum, Phone 0234 - 910-3239
- Acute crises: Krisenzentrum Dortmund, Phone 0231 - 43 50 77 (available 9.00-17.00 and 9.00-20.00 on Wednesdays)
- City-Nightline - listening and information helpline from students for students (different offices are available during different weeks of the year, pleace click on the link for more information)